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My Birthday Party at the Troubadour 13th February 2019

Yes!!! I am going to be 70 in 2019 and I really hope you will come and join me in some songs and some readings and some cake!!

I will be joined by my old partner in Trader Horne, Jackie McAuley and his brother Brendan, who will be doing a set and also singing some Trader Horne songs with me within my own set of songs.

It will all be doubly special because 2019 is also the 50th Anniversary of the beginning of Trader Horne !

The ticket link is here :

Coast Arts Overstrand Norfolk 27th October 2018

This is the last gig of this year with the Band of Perfect Strangers

But what a wonderful gig it will be!!

27th October 2018

COAST Arts at the Belfry Centre


Norfolk NR27 0NT

THis will be a combined concert with The Curator playing songs from his latest album, Steve Bingham looping and me and the band of Perfect strangers with the Ad Hoc String Quartet It will be lovely

New album - 'Earth is Sleeping' to be released in July 2018


This is the wonderful cover artwork by Catherine Hyde, There are two more pieces of artwork by other fabulous artists Sarah Ewing and Rebecca Clarke

Six of the songs have been co- written by Neal Hoffmann, Matt Malley (ex Counting Crows), Matt Stevens and Matt Edwards, Michael Raphael, and Dean Francis -Hawksley,several have been co-written with Alistair Murphy, one has music by my daughter Stephanie Hellsten and one is all mine. And there is a new version of a Trader Horne track co-written by the late Martin Quittenton.

Here is a link to pre-order the album and you can here a part of Marianna co-written with Neal Hoffmann 

Happy New Year !! New gigs abounding ish

I have a sparkling line up of performances this year, mostly confirmed but two awaiting confirmation, and mostly with some variety of the Band Of Perfect Strangers but the first one is with Andy Lewis and his friends..

Right! Here we go...

20th January 2018 12 pm to 2 pm

Daylight Music at the Union Chapel, Islington, London

The lineup will be: Judy Dyble & Andy Lewis with Robert Rotifer, Alison Cotton, Ian Button, Pete Twyman,and Liz Lewis

Helen McCookerybook

and The Perfect English Weather, with Simon Fox filling the gaps.

Details below
