Latest News

In readiness for the US release of TWS by Gonzo Multimedia...

...the very splendid Mr Jon Downes has interviewed me for his Gonzo Multimedia blog.

You can read parts one and two here

Part one: 

and part two :

and hopefully part three will be here tomorrow.... :-)

Tonefloat Label Night 28th October 2012

Well. I did it!!! And I enjoyed it, the band enjoyed it and I hope the audienc enjoyed it. It was a wet and chilly Sunday night in London so I am grateful to all those who came to listen. The lovely Sand Snowman and his band were also playing along with the dutch bands 'The Use of Ashes' and 'Sleep of Reason' who were all very excellent

There is a review of the gig here

and there will be lots of pictures in the gallery soon. Here's another one to be going on with :-)



Nattering on TV and Nattering in Books

the Fairport Convention documentary is on BBC4 tonight 14th Sept 2012, and will be repeated later if you miss it. Or you can watch it on iPlayer I expect

I have been nattering in this documentarysmiley. I have forgotten what I said but I will no doubt find out.

Oooh just seen there's a bit of a clip on that link :-)

and then there is this

Gig (eek!)

Well. I keep saying I don't do live gigs don't I? So what has made me say yes to this one? Eh?

It's on the 28th October at 229 The Venue, Great Portland St London

Tickets are available from here should you wish to venture to London

And there will be songs from Talking With Strangers and some from the new album, tentatively called 'Flow and Change'

Talking With Strangers News

Am delighted to say that there will be a new release of Talking With Strangers on vinyl by Tonefloat. This time with Jackie Morris Artwork, which will look wonderful as a 12" cover. Hopefully that will be up for sale soon on the Tonefloat website

And I am more than delighted that Gonzo Multimedia will be releasing Talking With Strangers in the USA, as a proper release and not as an import. So hopefully many more people will be able to hear the music that I am so proud of. Hooray!

I am trying to cobble together an autobiography. It is taking ages because I keep finding other things to do like walking the dog or making a cup of coffee or indeed eating a biscuit. I am nagging myself quite severely to get on with it. Which I will..
